Feeding Fish

Tonight, my mom and dad invited us over to watch them feed the fish.  They have 200 trout in their pond, and feeding them has become an event.  The weather was so beautiful and it was amazing to watch the fish feed at the surface.  The pictures speak for themselves.

Nate, Ed and Dukie feeding the fish off the dock.

No, that’s not an optical illusion.  Mom’s really that short, and Nate’s really that tall.

Fish jumping to eat!

Dukie likes fish food, too!

Dad and Duke.

I love this one.

Duke and I watch from the bank.

The covered bridge in progress, on the other side of the pond.

Nate and Ed check out the construction.

This will be a great spot for a picnic when the grass comes in.

Walk through the apple orchard to check on the Macouns. (Not ready yet…)


Filed under Food, Local Agriculture, Outside, Sustainable Living

2 responses to “Feeding Fish

  1. Beautiful pics! I love the shot of your dad with Duke. Also, speaking of fish, this past fall I saw the strangest thing in the Naugatuck River. I was running along the new trail built alongside the river and noticed fish, up and down the river, jumping to the surface to feed. It was amazing! I pointed it out to other walkers and runners too, and everyone was just a bit flabbergasted but intrigued too. Hey, fish have to eat too, right?

  2. farmersdaughterct

    It’s so cool! It almost looks like the water’s boiling, to quote my dad.

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