Picnic at the Pond

Sunday Stroll August 17

A visit from my great-aunt Bertha and second cousin Bonnie resulted in a beautiful picnic at the pond on the farm with my grandparents, parents, brothers, aunts, uncles and cousins.  We all enjoyed the beautiful, breezy day.  Some of us even enjoyed my mom’s pedal boat!

Bonnie and Avery cruise the pond in comfort.

Nathaniel and Matt try out the pedal boat.

Jonathan and Nathaniel enjoy the water trampoline.

Our picnic spot with the covered bridge in the background.

Bertha and Bonnie enjoyed the pedal boat.

Avery and Jonathan smile for the camera.

My grandparents relax and enjoy the picnic.

A great view of the pond. Special thanks to my mom for supplying the pictures!

To see who else is strolling today, visit http://quietcountryhouse.blogspot.com


Filed under Local Agriculture, Outside

4 responses to “Picnic at the Pond

  1. What a fun day! As I told Avery today, you’d better watch out when you hang out with Abbie, because you’re likely to end up on her blog!

  2. It looks as if your weather was just perfect yesterday! The pond is pretty, the bridge so sweet, and the setting just right for enjoying family and friends. Thank you for sharing your day with us!

  3. Nan

    What a perfectly wonderful day! I envy that pond. :<) Everyone looks so happy to be together.

  4. farmersdaughterct

    Mom- I know, it’s true. I got too much sun that day, should have used sunscreen…

    Aisling- The weather was great! I can only hope it’s that good for our open house next week.

    Nan- The pond is newly renovated… They dug it out last year and just put in lawn around it. Before then, it was an algae covered mess. My family does have a lot of fun together, even though we see each other all the time. I’ve always said that my cousins are more like brothers and sisters to me.

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