No Sunday Stroll Today!

Last night, for no apparent reason, I twisted my knee and hit the ground.  I felt and heard the bones moving around strangely, and oh did it hurt.  I hurt my knee twice like this before, once while playing field hockey and once while in Vermont with family.  Both times it was no big deal and the pain was gone in a couple of days.  Consequently, I did wear a knee brace while playing field hockey and basketball for a year or so until I decided I didn’t need it anymore.

There go my plans for today! Not only was I going to go for a Sunday Stroll, but I was also supposed to attend a Green Expo at Southern Connecticut State University with my mom.  I was excited to go to the Expo, and I’ve been attending SCSU since I graduated high school in 1999 and have both my B.S. and M.S. from there, as well as currently working on a second M.S.  Instead of attending this event, I’ll be taking it easy on the couch.  After such a productive day yesterday of cleaning the house and working in the garden…  At least it’s raining today or I’d feel really bad about sitting around all day.


Filed under Home

2 responses to “No Sunday Stroll Today!

  1. I hope you knee heals quickly–hearing the bones move sounds dreadful.

  2. Oh no! Take it easy and rest up. Hope you feel better soon.

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