Beach Visit on the Last Day of September

My mom and I took advantage of our day off work today to go visit Rocky Neck State Park.  I had never been there before, but my mom attended a wedding there recently.  The beach was beautiful, with whitish sand and not very many people.  The sun moved in and out of the clouds, and it was breezy but not cold.  Perfect weather for a visit to the beach on the last day of September.  This will most likely be our last day at the beach until spring.

 There’s a tunnel under the railroad tracks that leads to the beach.

The seagulls, as usual, were tame and not afraid of us.

A piece of green sea glass to add to my collection.

Pretty yellow flowers were in bloom, contrasting the gray tones of the sand, water and sky.

The bright pink beach rose was a happy sight, and only a few blooms are left this late in the season.

The pavilion is made from field stones and looks out on the ocean.  It was built during the 1930’s.

The view from the pavilion.

A red-tailed hawk perched in a tree and was not afraid of us as we moved closer to take his picture.

We probably take the beach for granted, since we live close enough to visit whenever we want.  We usually only go a few times each summer, but every year we make plans to visit often.  Walking along the empty beach on a Tuesday really made me appreciate the beauty that waits for us to stroll by.


Filed under Outside

3 responses to “Beach Visit on the Last Day of September

  1. Fall is my favorite time to go to the beach. I love it when all the tourists are gone and it’s peaceful and quiet. It’s such a nice time to actually enjoy it! Looks like you had a fun day made even more special by getting to spend it with your mom:)

  2. Ooh! Beautiful photos Abbie! I wish I was there. I bet you enjoyed a wonderful walk with your mom. Also, the bright pink flower is just dazzling especially among the cool blue and neutral tones of the beach photos.

  3. IB Mommy- I like to go in the spring time best, I think. It’s great to break out of the house from the winter and get outdoors again.

    Jessica- Thanks! I love the beach rose for the same reasons!

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