Flowers, Veggies and Eddie

Sunday Stroll

peony bud

This week, we staked the peony buds.

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This is our first rose this summer.


The sunflowers are starting to pop up.

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Not sure why, but the chives are blooming.

bird bath

I finally set up the birdbath that my aunt and uncle gave us last summer.

green tomato

The tomatoes on a plant I got from the farm market.  These will tide me over until my little plants kick in.

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All of the lettuces need to be thinned, and I’m going to use the thinnings for a mixed baby salad.

rouge d'hiver lettuce

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mixed baby lettuce


Here are the experimental potatoes.  I had some that were sprouting, so I decided to try growing them.  I guess they look good so far.


Finally, here’s Eddie.  He’s an Old English Sheepdog, and he’s about 12 years old.  He recently got a hair cut for the summer, which is why he doesn’t look like a big, shaggy mess.  My parents and brothers are away for the long weekend, so Ed and I are stopping by to take care of Eddie, which really only means we have to let him in and out, and check his water and food.  He sleeps for most of the day, but we thought he must have been lonely because he was in a playful mood this morning when we let him out.  He bounced around, chasing a squirrel, and ran over to us to get pet.  I’m sure he’s alseep now after that little burst of energy.

To see who else is strolling today, visit the Quiet Country House.


Filed under Food, Gardening, Home, Living from Scratch, Outside, Sustainable Living

7 responses to “Flowers, Veggies and Eddie

  1. Abbie,

    What incredible, up-close photographs! You’re really honing your skills as an expert photographer! That baby lettuce looks yummy and by the size of your tomoatoes, I’m quite sure you’ll have the first ripe ones around!

    Thanks so much for taking care of Eddie. I’m glad he was so happy to see you. He’s in that “grumpy, old man” stage where he seems to ignore most people these days. I’m quite sure he’ll give us the cold shoulder when we return to make us feel guilty. I’m glad to hear he’s had fun with you and Ed!

    Thanks for sharing your Sunday Stroll! Happy Memorial Day Weekend, everyone!


  2. Abbie,

    Your peonies look at about the same stage as mine. I’m really looking forward to their bloom, but time goes too fast already so I can wait!

    My chives are blooming too. They do so every year, with masses of cheery lavender flowers. Don’t yours usually bloom, or are they blooming earlier than usual? The blossoms are edible, just like the leaves. Here’s a link about them:

    And I’ve never tried this, but Chive Blossom Vinegar sounds like a lovely way to dress a salad:

    I love your pretty photos, as always. Sadly, Eddie’s photo did not load, so I’ll be back later to see if it will show up for me! Thanks for sharing your stroll!

    • Too bad Eddie didn’t show up for you! It’s working here, so hopefully he’ll show up for you later on!

      I’ve only grown chives from seed before, and haven’t seen them come back up on their own before this year. I was worried they were blooming, but I guess that’s what they’re supposed to to! Thanks for the tip!

  3. Oh, Eddie is adorable! Lovely photos and what a green thumb you have! (I don’t but we’re going to try a small veggie garden this summer.)

  4. Lovely photographs… your garden is a delight!

  5. Lovely photos of your stroll today. I can almost taste that fresh salad.

  6. Beautiful pictures! I’m so jealous of those tomatoes. My plants are still so small. I won’t get any tomatoes to eat until August!

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